موس منظف للبشرة خلاصة فايتمن سي والتكوناميد
يزيل المكياج و الأوساخ بلطف ، ينظف مسامات الوجه بعمق
منظف البشرة هذا مزود بي فرشة رائعة حيث نقوم بتنظيف و تدليك البشرة بعمق و لطف دون أن تحدث اي خدوش
كريم ترطيب زيت الحصان ,
جودة ممتازة ، منعشة وليست دهنية ، يمكنها امتصاص الماء الجاف وتقليل الخطوط الجافة ، الخطوط الدقيقة ، جعل البشرة أكثر صلابة ، وتأثير التبييض والتفتيح ، يمكن أن تحافظ على رطوبة البشرة
سيروم بخلاصة الريتينول المضادة للتجاعيد
الزجاجة السحرية لتنشيط البشرة
الفوائد: يعمل الريتينول لتفتيح الخطوط الدقيقة ، يكون الوجه
بالكامل متاحًا ، ويتم تفتيح الخطوط الخمسة المرئية ، مما يمكن
أن يحسن بشكل كبير من مناطق الوجه المتعددة ، مما يوفر مظهرًا عامًا أكثر شبابية ، على الفور ، بشرتك متألقة ، رطب وتجديد شباب
سيروم بخلاصة الساليسيلسك اسيد لتقليص المسام
زجاجة خضراء سحرية لتقليص المسام
الفوائد: مع إضافة حمض الساليسيليك ، تعمل
المكونات النشطة على تحسين قرن الشيخوخة ، وإفراز توازن الزيت ، وتشديد المسام وتحسينها ، وملمس أفضل للبشرة ، وتحسين دقة البشرة. الحصول على تأثير تجميل مزدوج.
سيروم إصلاح علامات التمدد والندبات في الوجه و الجسم
مستخلص من زيت اللافندر الأساسي
يمكن لمستخلص زيت اللافندر الأساسي أن يمنع البكتيريا بشكل فعال ، ويمنع نمو البثور ، ثم يجعل العناصر الغذائية في خلايا الجلد ، ويغذي خلايا الجلد ، ويتلاشى تدريجياً علامات البثور ، وعلامات التمدد ، ويقلل من ظهور الندبات والتجاعيد والحروق والجروح. مع تركيبة المستخلصات العشبية الطبيعية التي يمكن أن تصل بسرعة إلى داخل الجلد ، وتوفر العناصر الغذائية للبشرة المتضررة ، وتسريع عملية التمثيل الغذائي للبشرة وتعزيز نمو الجلد الجديد
سيروم بخلاصة اوليقوبيبتايت لاصلاح البشرة
زجاجة سحرية الإصلاح البشرة
الفوائد: يمكن أن يحل تركيب إصلاح
اوليقوبيبتايت مشاكل البشرة الجافة والخشنة وحب الشباب وغيرها. يخترق الببتيد النشط المزدوج الطبقة السفلى من الجلد ، ويحفز قوة الإصلاح الأساسية للبشرة ،
ويسرع الطباعة الحمراء والبهتان ، ويحسن
البشرة التالفة ، ويوفر ترطيبًا طويل الأمد. تبدو الخطوط والتجاعيد مخفضة بشكل كبير.
سيروم بخلاصة الهيالورونيك أسيد لترطيب البشرة
زجاجة تجعل شعورك دائما رطب
الفوائد: يحتوي مكون حمض الهيالورونيك بشكل غني على قوة ترطيب عالية الكفاءة ، ويمكن أن يساعد على تنظيف البشرة وتغذيتها بعمق.
سيروم للبشرة بخلاصة الفوليرين رفع و تجديد
الزجاجة السحرية لإزالة التجاعيد
الفوائد: الشعور بقوة أكثر ثباتًا ويقوي البشرة للمساعدة في مقاومة علامات الشيخوخة في المستقبل خطوط و التجاعيد. لتبدو البشرة ناعمة وتبدو أكثر نضارة وأصغر سنا
كريم لتنشيط العينين بخلاصة الشاي الاخضر
تمييع الهالات السوداء وأكياس العين والانتفاخ والترطيب العميق والتغذية وتحسين الدورة الدموية الدقيقة في العين.
يحسن الجلد المترهل ويهدئ منطقة العين
مجموعة الريتينول المقاومة الشيخوخة و تجديد خلايا البشرة بخلاصة فيتامين آ
مجموعة فيتامين اي لترطيب البشرة و تجديدها
10 PCS
مجموعة العناية البشرة بخلاصة الكولاجين
AHA Miracle renewal mask to exfoliate without irritating or flaking and the
rejuvenation processes are launched.Gently exfoliate dead cells, activate skin renewal.
increase collagen and elastin production, which easily penetrates the skin to help unclog
pores, reduce oil, clear hyperpigmentation and acne,spots, improve skin texture, and
boost overall radiance. The skin becomes firm, even and smooth, looks fresh, healthy
and radiant.
Vitamin c brightening & moisturizing body butter that wonderfully
softens and smooths dry cracked skin. This body butter has a rich consistency
that is perfect for cry areas on the body . Helps combat the dry, itchy, stretching
skin. Irreged with amazing natural skin conditioner rich in vitamin c and
ants that prevents skin damage from environment and provides your
skIn E
fined healthy glow.
Helps repair damaged skin - packed with
essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, the
body oil helps in restoring the dry and damaged skin
to its healthy state. The protective moisture barrier
of the skin is strengthened to protect the skin from
city pollution.
Helps reduce signs of premature skin aging - the
intensely moisturized and nourished skin is capable
of retaining its natural elasticity for a longer time
and be free from fine lines and wrinkles.
Moisturized soft skin - multiple premium natural oils
are blended in the body oil to deeply moisturize the
skin, remove skin dryness, and keep skin soft and
hydrated the whole day.
Helps brighten complexion - enriched with vitamin c
it helps minimise blemishes and gives an even and
radiant skin tone
This vitamin c brightening & hydrating
hand & foot cream contains vitamin c that brightens
the skin and shea butter that can provide 10 times the
moisturizing effect. It can immediately relieve dryness
and help retain moisture. It can improve wrinkles and
enhance elasticity, allowing your hands & feet to last for
a long time stay moisturized. The texture is light and
does not form a greasy layer when applied, allowing
you to have soft, smooth hands & feet.
Rose and litchi moisturizing hand cream, the combination of two fragrant ingredients with one another creates an excellent product, the pleasant aroma of this cream attracts every taste.
With age, your skin's natural cell turnover decreases resulting in dull, uneven skin tone, rough skin texture, and wrinkles. This retinol firming aniti-aging night cream helps diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while you sleep. Wake up with soft, radiant-looking skin. Rise and shine to a more refined, luminous, younger-looking complexion, courtesy of this anti-wrinkle cream,looks firmer, hydrated and more even.
Our retinol firming anti-aging night serum is a night-time skin hydration formula designed to reduce skin damage that causes wrinkles, dry skin, loss of firmness and elasticity, and uneven pigmentation. It's the perfect renewal potion that works its magic, plumping and hydrating while you sleep so you can wake up with revitalised skin.
Help brighten your skins appearance with this facial serum with collagen and rice to help improve the look of age spots and scars. Instantly, lines and wrinkles are plumped and smoothed. Skin feels smooth, looks fresher, younger. Skin looks re-densified and reclaims a youthful firmness and suppleness. Use For : Face...
The luminous hydration facial oil combines coconut oil and vitamin E to deeply boost hydration, replenishing and revitalizing skin to its most naturally dewy, radiant and healthy-looking state. Vitamin E oil is a powerful antioxidant that defends skin against outside irritants while moisturizing and minimizing the appearance of the...
Vitamin C cleansing balm is a powerful, antioxidant rich super fruit balm, rich in vitamins C and vitamin E. Which has protective and repairing properties against the damaging effects of sun radiation. This magic in a jar cleansing balm bonds will break down and gently draws out dirt,...
Watch your makeup melt away. It's solid cleansing balm the melts into a luxurious oil and turns into a nourishing milk texture that rinses off clean. Formulated with hyaluronic acid and olive oil leaving your skin feeling silky smooth and plumped with hydration Use For : Makeup Remover Cleansing Feature : Melts from.
Remove the remnants of your day while nourishing your skin. This luxurious emulsifying vitamin E cleansing balm, transforms on the skin into oil and then milky emulsion which gently dissolves makeup, dirt and pollutants, leaving the skin feeling super-soft, deeply cleansed, calm and radiant. Rich in collagen and fatty...
Freshly picked for your skin, our cleansing balm gently melts away makeup and skin impurities to reveal revitalized skin. The cleansing balm is infused with nutritious Peach Extract to hydrate and condition the skin while the mild formula effectively cleanses skin without any irritations so skin can look and feel peachy clean and comfortably hydrated
Scoop a generous amount with the included spatula and apply to dry skin. Use your fingertips to massags into skin with gentle circular motions, focusing on areas that need attention (eye makeup, lip makeup) for at leash 1-2 minutes. Add a small amount of water until milky forms then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Deeply moisturizing butter softens even the roughest, driest skin. Body butter is an effective cram filled with the rich texture of coconut oil. It pampers and absorbs quickly into the skin to replenish moisture levels and diminish roughness and dry spots, producing soft, and smooth skin. The added benefit...
Coconut oil formula hand & foot scrub with Vitamin E uses natural coconut sugar to exfoliate and buff away rough, callused skin for smooth, baby-soft hand & feet. Are your feet rough, dry or cracked? Do you have tough heels or callused skin on your feet? Using coconut...
Salicylic acid acne treatment penetrates into pores to treat
blackheads & clears away blackhead causing dirt & oil. As you rub the
cleansing pore strip in, the formula dissolves dirt & oil, leaving nothing
but clear exfoliated skin behind. These non-traditional pore-strips with
salicylic acid medicine to treat blackheads and prevent new ones from
forming, fight blackheads in an all new way!
This peeling gel effectively removes dead skin cells, controls sebum, eliminates blackheads, and brightens skin جل التقشير يزيل خلايا الجلد الميتة بشكل فعال، ويتحكم في الدهون، ويزيل الرؤوس السوداء، ويفتح البشرة.
This is a functional essene with anti-wrinkle effect, which normalizes the flow of skin to add vitality. The grape callus extract and adenosine helps improve fine wrinkles and pea callus extract and gold kiwi extracts help brighten the skin tone.
This is a functional ampoule that provides whitening solution. It softly applies on to with its enriched consistency. The grape callus extract and adenosine helps improve fine wrinkles and pea callus extract and gold kiwi extracts help brighten the skin tone.
This emulsion contains grape callus extract which adds vitality on aged skin with an extreme hydration, and pea callus extract and gold kiwi extract brighten up the dull skin.
This toner softly moistruizes with grape callus extract, which deeply works on the rough skin to make it elastic. Pea callus extract and gold kiwi extracts also brighten up the dull skin
The grape callus extract and adenosine helps improve fine wrinkles around the eyes and pea callus extract and gold kiwi extracts help brighten the skin tone.
This peeling gel effectively removes dead skin cells, controls sebum, eliminates blackheads, and brightens skin.
يزيل جل التقشير هذا خلايا الجلد الميتة بشكل فعال، ويتحكم في الدهون، ويزيل الرؤوس السوداء، ويفتح البشرة.
This tissue thoroughly removes makeup and impurities, leaving the skin feeling refreshed without stickiness. It gives enough moisture after cleansing with its aloevera extracts and 17 kinds of amino acid complex, and makes a clear, healthy complexion.
Soft, rich lather thoroughly cleanses clogged pores and removes makeup and impurities from skin. This cleanser is formulated with avocado oil to help moisturize and smooth your skin.
Provide gentle care to your lips with this collagen lip balm.
• Nourishes lips
• Strengthens the skin barrier
• Relieves inflammation
• Helps regenerate damaged tissues
Improve skin elasticity around the eye area with this hydrogel eye patch!
• Moisturizes skin
• Revitalizes tired eyes
• Gets rid of puffiness and dark circles
• Formulated with hydrolyzed collagen and marine energy complex
Easily remove skin waste from your face with this moist cleansing tissue!
• Gets rid of dirt and makeup residue
• Replenishes moisture on the skin with hydrolyzed collagen
• Leaves skin feeling refreshed and clean
Serum with a double layer of hydration with dense oil particles helps preserve skin moisture for a longer period, , and is also quickly absorbed, effectively soothing and caring for it.
A refreshing emulsion that smoothly applies on the skin without oiliness, prevents skin moisture loss caused by the external environment. It also creates a protective layer on the skin.
A refreshing and gentle toner consists of tea tree leaf, which effectively calms and hydrates rough and sensitive skin. It also consists of micro biome which helps strengthen skin to rejuvenate and improve complexion.
Nourish your hair and scalp with this shampoo!
• Improves blood circulation of the scalp
• Keeps hair follicles strong
• Helps grow thick and healthy hair
• Removes active oxygen from the scalp
• Made with raw fermented ingredients
Ampoule consisting of citrus Junos Fruit Extract and Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit Extract produced in clean area effectively moisturizes the skin for its health and glow. It also helps rejuvenate and firm aging skin.
Cream consisting of Citrus Junos Fruit Extract Produced in clean area which has Hesperirin and Vitamin C helps restore damaged skin. It also helps inhibit the activation of melanin pigment, to rejuvenate and improve skin complexion.
Emulsion consisting of Citrus junos Fruit Extract and Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit Extract produced in clean area effectively moisturizes the skin for its health and glow.
Light and soft-textured eye cream with Citrus extract cultivated from clean nature and Vitamin Tree Fruit extract, keeps skin elastic and vital, which helps to make transparent and healthy skin.
Citrus Junos Fruit Extract helps clear irritated skin from the external stimulus to improve its health. Soft, rich lather thoroughly cleanses clogged pores and removes makeup residue and impurities to keep the skin healthy and clean.
Natural plants oils like Citrus Junos Seed Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba)Seed Oil, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil which are good for moisturizing the skin help rough lips to be soft and glossy.
Mask sheet consisting of citrus Junos Fruit Extract produced in clean nature effectively hydrates and rejuvenates tired and skin by closely adhering to nourish.
Hydrating texture without tackiness applies on the skin softly, and Citrus Junos Fruit Extract in this cream helps moisturize and calm the skin for vitalizing, rejuvenating, and elastic finish.
Contains Citrus Junos Fruit Extract to help moisturize and soften dry skin.
Peeling gel with Citrus Junos Fruit Extract & Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit Extract makes healthy and soft skin by moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and it helps exfoliate dead skin cells for radiant skin.
Serum that contains Citrus Junos Fruit Extract and Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Fruit Extract nourishes, moisturizes and balances the in-and-outside of the skin to rejuvenate. Also it adheres smoothly to your skin for a glossy and healthy care.
Feel fresh, clean, and moisturized when you use this water-type toner!
• Strengthens skin's elasticity
• Soothes dry skin
• Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
• Moisturizes skin
Shea butter in this product effetively moisturizes dry skin around the eys, and the collagen extract effectively nourishes your skin to recover its firmness.
Collagen extract and other various nutrients are well combined to effectively hydrate and nourish dry and rough hands and nails without tackiness for a soft finish.
This hydrogel eye patch with Centella Asiatica Extract and various naturally deriven ingredients effectively hydrate and calm your tired skin around the eyes.
Non-sticky sun cream, consisting of Centella Asiatica Leaf Extract which helps to calm skin, smooths the skin with silica powder and pretects skin from UV rays.
Oil-in-water type cream, which contains centella asiatica extract, is moisturizing and has good adherence and contains naturally derived oil to help control the oil and water balance of your skin.
A light and soft-textured eye cream helps skin to become elastic and firm with black snail mucus filtrate, which help restore skin's natural health and glow.
This snail repair eye cream is the perfect care treatment for the area around your eyes.
• Contain snail mucin extract to seal in moisture and boost skin regeneration
• Fills skin with radiance and vitality
• Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
• Eliminates dark circles and puffiness
The snail mucin extract acts as a skin activator and it helps with recovering internal damage of the skin, strengthening the pure power of the skin to change from inside out.
Snail Secretion Filtrate extracts and other various nutritions are well combined to effectively hydrate and nourish dry and rough hands and nails without tackiness for a soft finish.
FASCY Natural Formula Soothing Mask is a luxurious face mask with tea tree essential oil soothes and revitalizes the skin, helps reduce acne and blemishes and smooths. The mask is designed to care for inflamed, irritated skin. Following the recipes of beauty from nature, cosmetologists have introduced the components of the tea tree into the product. Substances possessing soothing, tonic, bactericidal qualities effectively heal the integument.
The mask cleanses, refreshes and smoothes, improves the complexion and improves the microrelief of the skin. A remedy with tea tree essential oil is indispensable for inflamed skin, with scars, signs of acne and other problems. It is safe and suitable for regular use.
For deep cleansing of the skin, getting rid of accumulated toxins, improving complexion and fighting inflammation, Fascy offers the Natural Illuminating Formula Mask. The fabric-based product uses a beauty recipe from nature itself.
Non-greasy essence impregnating napkin contains the smallest particles of charcoal. The active absorbent instantly neutralizes excess sebum, picks up and removes household dirt and greasy dust plugs that interfere with the metabolism of the skin and spoil its appearance. This effect provides excellent prevention of inflammation, prevents the formation of comedones and acne, and keeps fresh and healthy for a long time.
To restore and heal damaged problem skin, the Korean cosmetics brand Fascy recommends the Natural Nutrition Formula Mask with bee honey extract and active moisturizers.
This self-care home care product is made from a hypoallergenic cloth and infused with essences, created according to a recipe from nature.
Rich in organic acids, mineral salts and vitamins, honey supplies the skin with everything it needs to maintain health, intensive regeneration and softening.
Being absorbed into the skin, the essence supplies the tissues with the necessary moisture, stimulates skin regeneration, improves its color, and prevents premature aging.
The London shopper Dr. Lola tissue mask, actively combats the appearance of wrinkles and evens skin tone thanks to the useful ingredients: milk protein, rose extract and pearl extract. It also contains two important elements – adenosine and niacyanide, which help to smooth the skin and tone it brighter. Dr Lola tissue mask has a nourishing effect that makes your skin more moisturized and saturated. The skin gets a healthy look and a glowing color. The mask has a soft fabric base made of cotton cellulose
Dazzling Lola Lumiere tissue mask, actively combats pores, tightening them and restoring the water-lipid balance of the skin. Contains tea tree, pumpkin and green tea extract. Dr Lola tissue mask is able to give your skin a radiant and healthy look. It contains Hyaluronic Acid to nourish your skin, acts as a hydrophilizer, and quickly replenishes moisture to the skin. The elasticity and tone of the skin are a direct merit of these components. The mask has a soft fabric base made of cotton cellulose. Suitable for all skin types
Chinatown player Dr Lola mask, deeply moisturizes and actively nourishes your skin. It replenishes moisture thanks to a number of ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, rose essence and aloe vera. Dr Lola’s tissue mask has a moisturizing and toning effect. The mask contains hyaluronic acid, which deeply moisturizes the skin and helps a rapid replenishment of moisture by acting as a hydrophilicator. The clarity of the facial oval, skin tone and firmness are a direct merit of these components. The mask has a soft tissue base made of cotton cellulose and provides express care for your skin. Suitable for all skin types, especially for dehydrated skin
01 Elasticity of white wallow bark extract
02 Various herbs and natural extracts help with oily and sensitive skin
03 Moisture supply with hyaluronic acid
04 Soft fabric with excellent fit
05 New York Artist Lola Character Unique Design
[How to Use]
Take out the cleansing pad and lightly wipe off makeup and impurities with the embossed side, then finish with a moist finish with the soft side.
Dr. Lola Lola BA Before & After Patch – Moisturizing eye patches contain three types of hyaluronic acid and oligopeptide-1, which help strengthen the delicate skin around the eyes and maintain a high level of hydration. Allantoin, niacinamide and adenosine contribute to the brightness and softness of the skin. Also makes the skin radiate and refresh without leaving a sticky feeling. They can be used not only under the eyes, but also in the forehead or nasolabial folds.
Fortified with the goodness of Hyaluronic acid, these eye patches will give maximum hydration to the eye area. It will reduce the dark circles effectively.
Dr. Lola Patch – eye patches with gold particles (24K) and ginseng, which provide natural brightness and prevent pigmentation. Niacinamide and adenosine have an anti-wrinkle effect, increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The product also protects the skin under the eyes from harmful external factors, due to the antioxidants contained in the natural extracts of: chestnut, sesame, peach kernel, hibiscus, grapes, etc. They can be used not only under the eyes, but also in the forehead or nasolabial folds.
With ceramide, this cream hydrates skin, keeping it extremely moisturized. Macademia seed oil makes thin moisture barrier to preserve skin's moisture content for a long time.
This all in one cream provides nutiriton to dry skin with Shea butter and coconut oil that are excellent in moisturizing, and helps maintain moisture for a long time by supporting skin moisture barrier.
This all in one cream provides nutrition to dry skin with Mango seed butter that's excellent in moisturizing, and helps maintain moisture for a long time by supporting skin moisture barrier.
This mascara will define details of eyelashes without smear or crumples. This is a easy-to-move mascara, removable with lukewarm water, which will come off like a film.
This BB cream has excellent adhesion to the skin without excessive gloss and it naturally covers the flaws of the skin. The green tea extract keeps the skin hydrated.
Hyaluronic Acid prevents evaporation of skin moisture and help smoothen. Lemon extract, grapefruit extract, and Hippophae Rhamnoides extracts also enhance skin vitality.
With clean edible snail mucus and fermented galactomyces filtrate, this ampoule recovers skin condition, supplies moisture and nutrition, and firms for healthy skin.
This nourishing cream consists of snail secretion filtrate derived from clean natural environment to firm and promote skin activity for soft, youthful skin.