Picture of cream vitamin c vs retinol
Picture of cream vitamin c vs retinol
Picture of cream vitamin c vs retinol
Picture of cream vitamin c vs retinol

cream vitamin c vs retinol

With age, your skin's natural cell turnover decreases resulting in dull, uneven skin tone, rough skin texture, and wrinkles. This retinol firming aniti-aging night cream helps diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while you sleep. Wake up with soft, radiant-looking skin. Rise and shine to a more refined, luminous, younger-looking complexion, courtesy of this anti-wrinkle cream,looks firmer, hydrated and more even.
KWD 3.750
Manufacturer: Dr.Rahsel
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Vitamin c & retinol face serum

Our retinol firming anti-aging night serum is a night-time skin hydration formula designed to reduce skin damage that causes wrinkles, dry skin, loss of firmness and elasticity, and uneven pigmentation. It's the perfect renewal potion that works its magic, plumping and hydrating while you sleep so you can wake up with revitalised skin.
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VItamin C face cream

كريم للوجه بي فيتامين سي يعطل للبشرة اشراق ، مقاوم للتجاعيد ، يعمل علي ازالة الخطوط الدقيقة من الوجه و ازالة الشحوب
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vitamin C facial cleanser

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KWD 1.500