Picture of Collagen Elasticity & Firming Essence Mask (1pcs)

Collagen Elasticity & Firming Essence Mask (1pcs)

قناع الوجة بخلاصة الكولاجين يعطى ثبات مرونة للبشرة
KWD 0.800
Manufacturer: Dr.Rahsel

This mask is designed to rejuvenate skin and boost collagen production which is essential to repairing damaged skin and improving your glow. Specially formulated to intensely hydrate and  sooth the skin to minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and to tighten skin. It is infused with amino acid for youthful and plumper looking. Reinforces skin elasticity and gives skin a plumper complexion. Creates a delicate skin.

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