Picture of Vitamin C Brightening & Anti Aging Skin Care Series 5 Piece Set
Picture of Vitamin C Brightening & Anti Aging Skin Care Series 5 Piece Set

Vitamin C Brightening & Anti Aging Skin Care Series 5 Piece Set

مجموعة العناية بالفيتامين سي لتفتيح البشرة ومضادة للشيخوخة ( Cleanser+ Face Serum +Face Cream +Toner+ Cleansing Milk)
KWD 7.500
Manufacturer: Dr.Rahsel

It refreshes and restores skins natural vibrance and clarity with powerful Vitamin C, a boost of antioxidants repair and protect from environmental damage and sun exposure. Contains Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid ingredients, helps fade sun spots and discoloration, refines skin texture and reduces wrinkle. gently remove impurities to reveal a more youthful and whitening complexion.                     

(Cleanser+ Face Serum +Face Cream +Toner+ Cleansing Milk)

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